Using the outcomes of the Gallup CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder 2.0) assessment, we work with individuals ready to level up, to shine a light on their strengths and coach them to use their strengths every day -- to find personal fulfillment, define their meaningful impact & contributions, create effective relationships, solve problems, and mitigate areas of weakness.
And we work with leaders of virtual teams to create cohesion & ownership - buy-in, creativity on behalf of the organization... long term loyalty.
Shift Up! with Strengths-Edge. The focus is on strengths-building instead of weakness-fixing! Learn more about programs for You and your Team.
To get started...
Uncover Your Strengths!
Begin by completing the Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment.
Learn how to Apply Your Strengths! accelerate your performance - and to find personal fulfillment and creative solutions to your problems.
Sydney B., Major Gifts Officer
"Nermine was an integral part in helping me get to know myself and how taking a critical look at my strengths will help in my career and personal life.
I have seen progress in my career now that I am in a place that is truly fulfilling and continue to learn how to use my strengths to my advantage, ask for help where I need it and be confidently vulnerable in my life."
Why Strengths?
From early in life we are taught to believe that we should always do our best; that we can fix our flaws; that we can overcome whatever stands in our way; and that we can be, and do, anything we want if we put our minds to it and work hard at achieving it.
As individuals we expect that if we act on this belief with vigilance we will ultimately be successful and happy in our careers, in our relationships, and in our lives. However, what we often experience is that things have not worked out the way we planned or wanted; and we don't know why.
Instead, it is better to focus on what is right with us; and to avoid expending our emotions, our intellect, and our energy on our shortcomings when we can more effectively achieve excellence and greatness by harnessing the power of our personal strengths.
Research shows that with empowering knowledge, inspiring guidance, and self-nourishment, we have the opportunity to maximize our human potential, embrace our true purpose in life, and experience the real joy of our personal fulfillment and success as we determine it for ourselves.